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I can’t believe how lazy I’ve been with my writing and posting.

More short stories coming soon.

“Picture Perfect Wife” by Richard Givney Jr.

Peter slept in as he always did on the 2nd of every month.  There wasn’t a specific time he needed to wake up as his date wasn’t until after 7pm.  He would, however, spend the day preparing for his date.  At the gym he would do a few extra bicep curls forcing his arms to bulge out a bit more than normal.  Peter would clip his nails and put moisturizer on his hands; he always felt it bother her when he held her with his rough skin.  A haircut, shave and trimmed eyebrows and nose hair were all part of the monthly ritual.  She never said she liked a clean cut man, but he knew by the company she kept looks were important.  He parted his thick black hair on the left side and used some product to keep it in place. Peter would purchase a small yellow flower, her favorite, for the lapel of his suit jacket and leave by 5pm.

Thoughts of spending time with her, even just a few minutes holding her in his hand, meant the world to him, but she never looked happy… even with him.  Her expression seemed distant as if longing to be somewhere else.   Peter thought he would catch glimpses of a hint of a smile when they were together, but if there was a smile, it was brief and perhaps imaginary.  She was a sad and lonely woman.

“I know it’s difficult for you,” Peter mumbled to himself.  “One day, maybe tonight, I will take you away from your crazy husband and you can live with me.”  Then a little louder and more confident, “You would be much happier here with me.”

Stealing her away from the husband she shared a life with for countless years was problematic by itself, but they rarely traveled alone.  Her crazy husband always socialized with few other couples.   She was beautiful to Peter and he knew there were other men, younger men that would pursued her as well.  They weren’t as strong or powerful as her husband and friends and generally backed down if pushed.  Every now and then one of these younger men would make a play for her.  Peter would just sit there and pray she held up for his sake.

Peter got into his old blue sedan, closed the door and sat in silence for a few moments in the gravel driveway.   The air in the car became a bit stuffy and warm.  Finally he let out a sigh.  It was heartfelt and deep, border lining on a moan of desperation rather than an actual sigh.  “Oh please.  Let her come alone tonight,” he said out loud and started his car.  Peter planned to steal her away from that lonely life and make her happy.  She would be a picture perfect wife and show her off to the neighbors.  He knew they would be jealous.

Peter arrived at the casino about 6:30pm.  He parked in the parking deck and made his way inside.  There as a whole ritual to perform before making the rendezvous: A stop off in the bathroom; browse in the overpriced stores next to the café and the ATMS for something just for her.  He decided on a picture frame to commemorate the night he stole her heart away.  It was a beautiful frame, dark wood with an intricate carving around the edges and bright red gems sparkled in the corners.   He thought to himself that there couldn’t be a more perfect frame for the two of them.

Next he meandered over the slot machines and played for a bit.  He didn’t want to appear too anxious and he would enjoy a few free drinks.  Vodka, no ice, extra olives was his drink of choice when he played.  Finally, after a few dollars were lost and few drinks later he would stroll over to the Texas Hold’em poker tables, purchase his chips and waited until a spot became available. At this time the wait was never too long.

Seated at the table near the entrance, Peter started become nervous once again.  His heart raced, palms became clammy and the noise seemed louder than ever.  Cautiously, Peter lifted his head started to look for her.  She was easy to find; usually dressed similar black and red clothes.

“You’re the big blind bet sir,” the dealer stated.  Peter pushed the chips forward halfheartedly. 

“You’re slowing the game down.”  The guy sitting next him seemed to have no patience that Peter needed to be told to bet.  This guy was in his mind thirties, wore sunglasses and had slicked back his brown hair.  Peter wasn’t threatened by him and returned the condescending look.

Three of Clubs and Seven of Spades.  No one raised the bet and he held in for the Flop.  Those cards weren’t much better and once the bet was raised, he tossed in the cards.  Peter scanned the table and the players, but his lucky lady wasn’t there yet.

Two more rounds and she still wasn’t there.  Growing anxious, Peter’s leg began to shake under the table and his fingers started tapping the green felt.  He had big plans for her tonight; he was going to steal her away.  They would live happily ever after, he told himself

Touching his yellow flower he asked for her.  “Where are you?”  Peter didn’t realize he said this out loud until he drew a few looks from the people at the table; more for his gesture than his words.

Next hand he was dealt the Jack and Ten of Clubs.  He called the bet.  Looking up, Peter recognized another man waiting for his date.  He tried to remain calm, but his body temperature began to elevate and sweat formed on his forehead.   Peter ran his hands over his face and through his hair causing perfect part to fall out of place.  He had to make sure he got her attention first.  She would surely come to him.

The Flop: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts and Five of Spades.  He knew this hand was over; he couldn’t complete with the duel aces.  Tossing his cards into the middle, Peter looked up.  The younger man wasn’t there and he felt his shoulders relax. Two players at the table had remained in this round; each one looking at the other as if trying to read one another’s mind. 

“If you don’t have an ace, friend, then you should fold now,” said the man seated directly next to Peter.

The mountain of a man across the table smirked.  “Friend, I’m not the one hiding behind the shades.”  He raised the bet.  Peter looked back to his poker playing neighbor.

The Turn: Queen of Hearts. 

All the players turned towards the guy in sunglasses, it was his bet.  He sat there playing with his chips and looking calm.  A smile began to form and Peter could sense this guy was about to make a big move.  Just as he reached for all his chips, Peter said rather boisterously “You’re slowing the game down.”  Peter just stole this guy’s big moment as he placed a hefty bet.  Then he looked at Peter and before he could say anything, Peter looked away and across the table.

There she was.

Peter couldn’t take his eyes off her.  He sat up right in his chair and began to fix his hair.  He rubbed his hands on his suit pants to dry the sweat.  She was beautiful and looked stunning.  Her hair peaked out from under her black hat; a beautiful jeweled necklace adorned her neckline.  Peter noticed the yellow flower in her hand and thought he saw her smirk when kissed his fingers and touched his matching golden flower in his lapel.

He longed to be with her.  The idea of her riding home in his car tonight captivated his mind.  She would be with him, forever.   Tomorrow she would accompany him for a walk thought the residential streets and show her off.   When Peter greeted the neighbors with his picture perfect woman they would gossip and go so far to call it a kidnapping, but she would have willingly left with him; hardly a kidnapping.  He knew she wanted to be with him; he could just feel it.  He would correct the naysayers and say he stole her heart.  They would call him crazy or worse and forbid their husbands to talk with him.  They would return to their normal lives and Peter, with his picture perfect wife, would be even happier than everyone in his neighborhood.

Now, looking into her face he noticed her eyes were looking away in the distance.  There, not even inches away was her miserable husband.  Peter’s heart sank.  It was as if his moment of happiness was yanked from his very soul by the man that was next to her.  Peter’s hurt quickly turned to anger and he couldn’t help himself as he slammed his fist with all his might onto the table.

He froze.  The noise of his chip scattering pulled him from his day dreaming thoughts.  Frantically, Peter started to gather his chips and hoped he didn’t draw attention to himself.  Glancing up, the husband and wife hadn’t changed their gaze and he felt relieved… but only for a second.

“Dude!  What are you, mental?”  The sunglass guy next to him had pushed his chair away and stared right into Peter’s eyes.  “I’m the one that lost my shirt here!”  Pissed off, he left the table yelling something about can’t believe the luck of that guy.

Peter glanced up and noticed the mountain of a man was collecting all the chips.  Sunglasses guy had a pair of Queens to give him a full house.  However the other guy caught a lucky card on the River: King of Hearts to match up with his pair of kings in his hand.  The higher full house won. 

Peter kept his head low as the next deal was dealt.  She had seen him and would surely be over for a visit as soon as she could break away from her husband.  Excitement filled his mind again and the first chance he had to leave with her he would take.

Looking at his cards, Peter was dealt the Ten of Diamonds and Queen of Hearts.  He called the bet and waited for the Flop; Eight of Diamonds, Three of Clubs and Jack of Clubs.  With his cards in his hand, Peter slowly lifted his gaze up from his chips and saw his dream woman had returned.  Just over her right shoulder, was the younger man.  He had returned and he knew was looking for her.  This was it.  This was the big moment he was waiting for.  Her husband wasn’t around, people were busy betting, and he didn’t see her friends.  He had to do this and take her now.

“Let’s go,” he said a loud.  He knew she heard him.

Peter stood up and took another quick glance around.  He was in the clear.  He leaned down and reached for his bag from the store.  Slowly he gathered his chips, leaned over and took her into his hand and deliberately walked to the exit.  There was no looking back. 

His armpits started to sweat; his heart felt like an engine had begun to rumble in his chest.  The blood pulsed in his head so loudly that he couldn’t hear the casino night life.  The cheers of people winning, the random bonus rounds on the slot machines setting off all kinds of exciting music and the thump-pa thump-pa beat over head was all lost to him.  He thought the security guards were looking at him; he thought everyone was looking at him and his walking stride became more urgent.  If he could begin to sprint to the door and not lose the woman he felt he was rescuing, he surely would run for their lives.

His mouth was dry when he reached the elevator.  Sweat was running down over his temples.  “We are almost there.  You will be safe in my car.”  He pulled her in close and brought his hand to his heart.  “Can you feel it?  It’s pounding this way for you.”  He looked at her.  Her eyes were looking towards the door, but he thought that smirk had appeared again.  It comforted him to think he saw her expression change.  The elevator door opened and slowly began to walk to his car.

“I’m sorry my car is isn’t a something more extravagant,” Peter said as he opened the old blue door for her and helped her onto the seat.  “I can’t afford to buy you a more glamorous ride, but when there’s love anything is possible.”  He paused.  He didn’t mean to say the “L” word so quickly, but he had.  He said it.  His throat began to tighten and tried to say it again, but he found it more difficult this time.  “I love you.  I love you with all my heart.”  Peter felt relieved to say it to her and to admit it to himself.  He walked around and got in the driver’s seat.

Her eyes still looked to the right and out the window.  Peter followed her stare and realized she was still frighten that people would know she was missing and begin to search for her.  “You’re right,” he said without waiting to hear what she had to say.  “We should leave now.”

He pulled out of parking spot and headed to exit ramp.  Up head was the pay booth and if he got past there, Peter knew they could drive home without any problems.  The woman in the booth was on the walkie talkie when he pulled up. 

Peter leaned forward to block the view of the passenger seat.  He reached though this open window to pay the five dollars for parking.  All he wanted to do was get on the road, but the red and white striped gate blocked him in.  His shoulders tightened when the gate didn’t rise immediately.  Thirty seconds seemed like a life time.  His heart started racing again.  He ran his fingers over his forehead and through his hair to hide the sweat pouring off his face.  The woman put down the walkie talkie and looked at him directly in the eyes.  He couldn’t speak.  Her lips opened and closed, but he couldn’t hear what she was saying.  The gate was still down and cars had lined up behind him.  He thought he was caught.

His body temperature dropped and in the pit of his soul he felt cold.  All his thoughts raced in his head all at once.  Should he bust though the gate?  What would happen if they came to get her from the car?  Would he run everyone over?  “No, no, no”, Peter said in a confused voice. 

The gate slowly lifted and he took a glance at the woman in the booth.  Her face contorted in an “I can give a shit less about you” expression as she crumbled up the receipt and tossed it aside.   Peter hit the gas too quickly and squealed his tires a bit as his car leapt forward and past the gate.

He did it.  He was past the gate and driving home.

They drove in silence, but in Peter’s head he could already begin to imagine the next day.  As he walked the sidewalk holding his woman he could imagine the looks from the neighbors.  The women would give a friendly wave and gossip to one another, whispering curiosities and wondering how they could be together after he passed.  A few men would come over to chat asking friendly questions and sharing the answers with their wives who would again gossip behind his back.  Peter didn’t care.  He would be happy and in love.

“Stay there.  I’ll get the door for you,” he said as the car drove up the gravel drive way to the side of the house.  He grabbed his bag and keys and ran to the other side of the car to help her out.  At the side door he fumbled with his keys before opening it.  “I’ll put you in the guest room tonight.  I’m sure it’s all a bit traumatic for you, but it’s something I know we both wanted.  You were not happy with him, I could tell by your expressions.”  It was dark and Peter didn’t need to see her face; he knew in his mind she was smiling and happy.

He walked her to the guest room and helped her on to the bed.  “You will be comfortable here.  I am directly across the hall.  Good night, my love.”  Peter leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead, catching part of her hat on his lips.

The next day, Peter woke up early without his alarm clock going off.  It was Sunday and he wanted to be outside by the time everyone came home from church.  He walked to the kitchen, poured himself some tomato juice and as an afterthought added some vodka.  It was his day off, he was happy and in love and didn’t care that he was drinking before 8am.  He opened the bag from the casino and pulled out the picture frame he bought last night before his daring escape. 

Peter took the picture frame and walked down the hall to the guest bedroom.  There, still lying in the same position as he placed her last night, was the woman of his dreams.   She looked just as beautiful as last night.  Her hair was perfect; her black hat never moved and her jeweled necklace lay flat.  She must be a sounds sleeper he thought to himself.

Peter gulped down the remaining tomato and vodka.  “It’s time to get ready, my love.”  He sat next to her and opened the back of the picture frame.  “We will be the talk of the town, forever.”  Excitement engulfed his body and the vodka pumped through his blood.  He reached over and took the Queen of Hearts in his fingers and placed her into the red jewel picture frame he bought just for her.  Turning it around to face him he just stared into her eyes and smiled.  She was home and he was in love.

“Black Buttons” by Richard Givney Jr

Magda stood at the rear corner of the two-story cement government building.  The calm wind tenderly played in her hair, waving the black locks back and forth.  From her perch on the roof she watched the sun slowly break the tail end of night as a soft golden hue cascaded upon the world; a world which would surely change for her in a matter of moments.

The steadfast sound of crushing gravel below grew more urgent.  Magda knew it was him sprinting to the silver sports car at the edge of the build.  No one followed him, called for him or fired weapons.   No alarms pierced the awaking day.  She thought to herself that he would have to wait; the backup plan allocated a three minute window for either team member who failed to reach inside check point. This is what she was told.  Magda knew it was a lie.

She always admired his tenacity to accomplish his objectives.  In previous assignments, he willing sacrificed other members, escape vehicles, and personal beliefs allowing him to flee without capture.

It was two missions ago, while jaunting around Istanbul where he disappeared without notice, leaving Magda vulnerable for capture by her own secret service.

An overnight painful interrogation splintered her silence and she revealed her part in counter spying against her home land.  In the following twilight, they spared her life in exchange for the killing of all foreign agents she had assisted.  The following day photos were sent to her of her family being held.  The scene was gruesome.  In her mind she feared for their lives; in her heart she knew they had perished.

Three weeks earlier, while in Southern Italy, Magda poisoned two agents and sent photos for proof.  Aaron had not taken the after dinner drink, thus surviving the night while his team members silently choked themselves to death.

Today, in a more spectacular avenging act, he would die.

Aaron reached the sports car and with deliberate moves was inside.  He wasn’t going to wait the three minutes for Magda; he was always planning to leave her behind to die in the explosion.  Through the windshield she watched as he frantically searched the compartment for the keys, the very keys she held in her hand.

With one mighty throw, Magda heaved a black backpack of explosives through air and watched as it plummeted on to the hood of the silver car.  She never placed her plastic explosives in the building as instructed, but rather went to the roof to prepare for this moment and waited; waited for the man who left her for capture, the man she tried to kill once before.

Aaron’s body jolted in shock, his hands reacted with a death grip on the steering wheel.  He recognized the twin backpack; he knew the heavy thud meant the plastic explosives were still inside.  The noise caught him off guard, but his mind quickly calculated that this was a foreseen confrontation.  He released his paralyzing hold of the wheel and looked upward through the windshield.  She stood defiantly two stories above him looking more confident than usual. 

Magda’s stance was wide; one hand on her hip the other stretched outward holding the detonator.  The rising sun glittered her solid black attire with a softening gold.  Her hair flocked freely behind her shoulders. 

Killing Aaron wasn’t the cure, but rather an action required to calm the hatred in her mind.  Her capture was entirely his fault.  Deep in the night she often pondered if it was premeditated.  His knack for leaving at the proper time never failed him and this clouded the possibility that it was coincidence. 

Once the black button was pressed, the explosives would engulf the car and execute Aaron in a brilliant fireball.  Once the black button was pressed, her spirit would be free from the anger she held within soul.  Once the black button was pressed, her world would change in a matter of moments.

As Magda’s finger slowly began to rest upon the trigger, she noticed for the first time that Aaron was purposely staring at her, not in fright but with a slight smile.

Less than six hours earlier, Aaron and Magda sat side by side with a small team preparing for the demolition of a Chinese government building.  Neither member questioned why the destruction was necessary though in early reconnaissance they speculated this building was used to assist a nonviolent global terrorist group.  The “Silent Partner” group prepared and trained elite terrorist organizations to commit the violent acts the world would learn about through the media, but never participate in the acts themselves.

Once the plan was formed, both agents dressed with the help of other team member.  Aaron’s assistant, with his back to Magda, began to whisper.  “We’ve just learned that your partner was compromised.  She was caught in Istanbul as suspected.   We also are assuming she killed agents Mosscat and Wombat.  Unfortunately we need her now.  Inside the terrorist building at this very moment is the number two and three leader of the “Silent Partner” group. “

Aaron didn’t flinch or make a change in his gaze.  He looked at Magda in an uncaring manner.  Magda returned the gaze.

“Damn.” Magda’s assistant appeared frustrated as she held the middle button of the vest in her hand.  This act was carefully planned.  She reached into the kit, discreetly switched buttons and quickly fastened a black button to the vest.  The entire sequence took under two minutes.

“Ok, Aaron.  You are ready,” his assistant said aloud.  Then he handed Aaron the black cap to hide is greying brown hair. He whispered again.  “The new button fastened to her vest is a chemical explosive.  Leave her inside the building and get out as soon as you’ve planted your bits.  Get in the car and use the black button on the keys to detonate the building and her button.  She’ll never know what happened.  Don’t get caught with her; there is enough material in that button to scatter your body as well.”

The sun continued to rise revealing the colors the night hid.  Green leaves.  A cloudless blue sky.  Crimson red blood that painted the grey roof from the security guards Magda killed while fortifying her perch.  Looking down to the silver car, she could see her target clearly through the windshield, his brown hair, white skin, his smile…  Why was he smiling?

She was about to kill him, he had to know that by now and yet he smiled so carelessly.   Her mind searched in speeds she couldn’t comprehend for an answer.  Mentally she retraced her last few hours.  The planning, the meeting huddled in a small corner room, the dressing… the tiny incident of the button on her vest.

Magda returned the grimace as she yanked the middle fastener from her vest and watched as Aarons lips uncurled and went flat.  Placing the button on the edge of her thumb, she flicked the tiny killer over the side.  They both watched in slow motion as the black button dropped to the gravel below.

Aaron leaned back away from the window.

Magda pressed the black button to detonate the explosives in the building, in the backpack on the hood of the car and the fastener hidden among the gravel.

A blinding fiery light engulfed the new day.

Magda’s soul was free from hatred.

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